The Power of the Pen: Why Executives Should Master the Art of Writing

Alex Greenwood
3 min readOct 5, 2023

In the frenzied arena of executive decision-making, filled with emails, meetings, and conference calls, the significance of adept writing often goes unnoticed. Many harbor the misconception that the art of writing is exclusive to authors, journalists, and poets. Yet, in the contemporary corporate sphere, the pen’s impact is undeniable. Analytical giants, wielding silver quills like Scott Galloway not only make their mark but also amass their fortunes through it. Imagine if you could command that kind of attention with your internal coms?

Photo by LinkedIn Sales Solutions on Unsplash

And sure, I’m a professional writer and ghostwriter. It may seem like this essay is akin to a coder advising me to script my own software. But bear with me. We’re embarking on an enlightening journey where the artistry of words intertwines with the precision of science — and the good news is, if you can read these words, you, too, can write sentences. With some practice, these sentences will pose a nice return on your investment.

Recent insights shared by the Harvard Business Review are nothing short of revelatory. Advanced brain scans now vividly depict the magnetic pull of compelling writing on its readers. We can observe specific midbrain neurons — the “reward circuit” — ignite as readers encounter everything from a poignant metaphor to a twist in the narrative…



Alex Greenwood

PR Consultant, Speaker, Podcast Producer/Host, Editor, and Award-Winning Writer of the John Pilate Mystery Series. Accomplished belly laugher.