Navigating the Digital Marketing Trinity: Earned, Owned, and Paid Media
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, three pivotal forms of media — earned, owned, and paid — stand central. Today, we’ll break down these types, each essential to a comprehensive marketing strategy.
Our first stop is the waters of earned media. Picture your customers, so enamored with your services that they rave about it on social media. Or an influential industry leader who sings the praises of your product. Maybe even a journalist who includes you in a feature about the top companies in your sector. These are all instances of earned media.
Earned media encompasses all the attention you garner through promotional efforts not directly paid for. This can include social media mentions, customer reviews, blog articles, industry features — all these organic recognitions for your brand fall under earned media. The power of earned media lies in its ability to foster trust and credibility, acting much like a personal recommendation in a digital form.
Next, we explore owned media — your brand’s digital real estate. This is any web property that you can control and that is unique to your brand, including your website, blogs, newsletters (Medium or Substack, anyone?), social media profiles, and brochures. With owned media, you’re at the helm, controlling your…